Friday, February 11, 2005

Street Vendors

That, but first just to let you know that it's still not working when I try to blog remotely... Not because you'll particularly care, but because it is yet another instance of computers being intrinsically evil. I thought Ruth and Lindz might appreciate to know that.

Now, back to the blog:

Everywhere you go around the downtown marketplace (just off a highlycommercial strip - avenue Bourguiba) you get accosted by people selling stuff in the streets. There are kids, dads, old men, younger men - all men, though... And most of them know each other or are family. One big happy and all.

Personally, I rather like the way they liven up the place. Sure they're loud, sure they're in your face - but hey, it's Tunisia and they're selling useful stuff cheap - like umbrellas, kleenex (seeTiara's blog about toilets...) and chocolate bars.

Seems the police aren't supposed to let them be, however, and every now and then an officer will make his way down one of the streets. They vanish - jump up, put things in boxes, rush through final transactions and run down the street about fifty feet. Then they setup anew and proceed with their energetic their sales-pitches.

What an odd little world.


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