Tuesday, May 03, 2005

the art of teaching... or not

the Another day, another brief blog.

I've discovered something. I don't particularly like to teach English. Which throws me into a connundrum. It's good work and nicely paying for Tunisia, so I'll certainly continue, but anyway, here's the quandary.

I don't particularly like teaching in this format and so I'm not particularly motivated to do an outstanding job. For anything that I choose to do I feel it is important for my sense of self-worth that I do an outstanding job. I choose, daily, to teach in this format. Would that be a catch-22?

So every day I'm writting lesson plans, evaluating my success with past lesson plans, dragging my posterior to work, teaching (which for anyone who hasn't done it is both elating and extremely draining), and doing art. After all, that's what I like to do more than anything. hmm.

Well, with not too many more thoughts I'll just leave it at that for now and mull over it some more. Maybe I'll have stronger conclusions by tomorrow. Then again, maybe I'll do like a very good friend, one of my bestest, and pack this job into a MEC backpack and blaze the trail less travelled - more perilous and less sure and more interesting by a mile. Probably, I'll stick this out for a bit, support my incredible wife in some endeavour of hers, do art all the way through and then try to ease my way or muscle my way or force my way onto the scene in around five years time. After all, I've got all the time in the world - and time now, means time to grow, develop my craft, develop contacts, and make serious choices.


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