Into the breach
Well, I suppose it had to happen eventually. I had the rather absurd realization, about a week after Tiara went through it, that we are well and truly here. I'm not really sure if that's a positive thing, but it's a thing, and it's sure... I'm into that whole mixed feelings faze of culture shock, I suppose - and best to get it over - not that I really have a choice. Mixed emotions, mixed up writing...Suck it up and keep on going, eh? gah.
Anyhow, on the good news front, our house is starting to become our house - which is a good thing. We are heading out to get a bunch of furniture custom made for us on the cheap tomorrow (cheap is a nice thing about Tunisian stuff). And my art is going well! Although it did kind of stall today. Blast the fickle art demons...
I think I should stop for now, and I'll blog a little happier note tomorrow - filled with awe and beautiful stuff.
Hey bro!
Sorry I haven't written in so long; it does, however, seem like you're keeping relatively happy if not slighly frustrated at times...I hope that your jobs are groovily greatly going; I can't wait to come over sometime and see what art you're working on; are you still using charcoal and creating abstract stuff mainly? I want to know what you're working on! Oh ya, and a few more things; I was wondering about bench press-Dawn says that she feels that it's working her triceps quite a bit...I know that's not right but her form looks ok to me...too much weight perhaps (she's using 35 pound bar)? Also, mom called from New Zealand yesterday and wanted to say hi and send her love to you both. She's having a great ol' time and hiking up something fierce-doesn't like the sand flies much mind you...comparable to a week long swimmer's itch apparently; do you have those in Tunisia? Well I've got two more midterms to do myself; I think my Finance 412 midterm went well-speaking of which marks actually might be up now...ahhh!! Finance 422 and Admi 322 to go still. Yes, it is as always excitement around here; going to see Weil in Weinmar opera tonight...and that should actually be fun.
In anycase, just wanted to say a quick hello and how de do. I wish you all the best and I look forward eager anticipation to hearing from you some more!
-Your Bro
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