Wednesday, March 09, 2005

Sounds like Home...

Even in Edmon-town, those worlds away when Tiara and I used to call it home, there would be times that I wanted to slink away into my own space and disappear. Art, music, silence, music all that is mine and personally meaningful and nothing more.

It was with this in mind that I treated myself to the purchase of some five cd's yesterday (for under fifteen dinars - less than three dinars a cd - not bad...). Tunes, mostly new, by familiar faces from the world we left behind.

Nothing quite like closed eyes, quiet introspection, a private moment, wearing familiarity and comfort like a cloak to ward away the strange and invasive world as it whips by on its ever-frenzied pace

I'll be back with the real world in due course, but for now I'll let it whisp its way out of my mind...

Alone can be sublime.


At 5:16 p.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear friends, I have greatly enjoyed reading your "blog". Although I am the furthest from an experienced blogger (I always have trouble navigating through this shit), I am hoping to leave some interesting comments. I too have recently been exposed to living and working in Africa, but on the tiny island of Mauritius off the eastern coast of Madagascar.
I miss you guys quite a bit and hope to visit you in North Africa soon. I am taking some time off in the June/July period and am planning to visit my comrades in Tunis as well as return to Budapest and perhaps Bulgaria as well.
I am so glad to hear that you are having the most amazing experience of your lives. So much changes when you see how the majority of the rest of world actually live, suffer, and love.
I do have Loren's mobile in my inbox and am planning to call you very soon. We should start making plans for the summer. I trust you will be in Tunis for some time to come still. If not, you should definitely think about taking your new experience and selling it in Europe.
You are always welcome in Prague as you know. A little Central Europe could add a lot to your travels! lol. Especially with me as you guide.
I may be actually a lot close to you when I move to Valencia, Spain in the coming weeks. I am scheduled to spend at least a month there and could fly over when I am done.
Love, Milos


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