settling.In one word, so many thoughts. Does that mean that we're settling into Tunis? I suppose that we are. Does that mean that we're settling into a sense of where we want to go in our lives? We're getting there as well.
Tunis is an unusual city. But you already know that. The split between the rich and poor, the conflict between occidental and oriental worlds, the religious crisis, the almost frantic desire to be modern in one generation, the plumetting birth rate, the clutching political environment... It's interesting, and we're starting to settle into a routine, an acceptance, and an awareness of all the subtle currents.
Then there's nothing like ripping out of a familiar pattern and world to one completely foreign to develop a sense of who you are and who you want to be. For Tiara I won't say too much - that's for her, and would inevitably flawed in my retelling. For myself, it impressed in no uncertain terms my desire to head into the arts world full bore. I'm producing more. I'm developing daily habits around art production and communication to the community. I'm thinking it, writing it down, laying it in ink, I'm talking it to the most unlikely audiences...
I'm settling - but certainly not settled. For the latter, maybe it's in the future, and maybe not. Still, there's a certain satisfaction to the former and I'm more wired and enthusiastic than I can remember.
One thing is sure. It feels good.
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